


9.30 - 11.00 UHR
90 Min

Steinwiesstrasse 9a, 8032 Zürich

Drop-In 40 CHF
10er Abo 360 CHF

Private lessons

60 Min 1 Person: 150 CHF additional Person: 60 CHF

75 Min 1 Person: 170 CHF additional Person: 70 CHF

90 Min 1 Person: 190 CHF additional Person: 80 CHF

Lee is a yoga teacher, artist and mom.

Yoga has been part of her upbringing since childhood in Tel Aviv, with her mom being a Sivananda Hatha Yoga teacher. It was only later in life that she could embrace all those hours spent in yoga Ashrams as an initiation into Lee’s yoga path sparking her interest and curiosity to dive deeper.

Lee’s artistic interests took her from Tel Aviv to Milan and London where she graduated from St Martin’s College of Arts and Design. Her yoga practice always offered a container for grounding, self-expression and well being. 

“ I regard both art and yoga as a creative process. I learn to grasp my body, to experiment with it, to strengthen it, to bend it, to shape it and to overcome boundaries”.

Living in a time of overwhelming stimuli and information Lee’s yoga classes offer students a caring space to connect to an essence, that is clear, calm and free. Flowing dynamically through the asanas, bringing awareness to the breath and creating a somatic experience that allows them to get closer to their inner selves.